Cloud Gazing

I’m currently in a week-long Intensive where I live, and our group was given an assignment to cloud gaze for 20 minutes today.

In that time, I witnessed a teaching about Life: The blue skies brought a sense of emptiness and the clouds acted as form.

It’s all the same sky though — which reminded me of the non-dualists saying I’ve recently learned, “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.”

Clouds roll by — not just as a metaphor for the thoughts that we witness as Awareness, but also as a metaphor for *everything* that happens in Life.

We can tell a story about the cloud that rolls by, “That one looks like a bunny! I keep seeing bunnies EVERYWHERE, it must be wanting to communicate with me!”

...but in the end all that occurred is that a cloud rolled by. The rest is simply up for interpretation.

Events, circumstances, situations, thoughts, feelings, emotions — they are all just clouds that form and roll along the vast blue nothingness of the sky. One minute they’re there and we assign them meaning, and the next minute they’ve passed us by...the cloud is gone, but our experience of it can be taken with us — IF we choose to hold onto it.

Otherwise there’s always another patch of blue sky or another cloud that emerges in the (unending) Now. This is a blessing or a curse, depending on our perception — the choice of viewpoint ours.

OR we can drop our judgement all together and just watch and see what the next cloud formation is...
