Learning a New Trauma Transformation Modality: Somatic Experiencing® 

Heading to Sacramento, California for my first training in Somatic Experiencing® — a body-based trauma healing modality.

I feel grateful to have this opportunity to add another tool on my toolbelt — not just for my clients, but also for myself.

As I sit at the airport and hear about a plane crash in Iran and notice both my numbness and sadness at the state of the world, I feel so aware of trauma.

Trauma is everywhere and most of us have experienced it.

When I got my Master’s Degree and became a therapist and it was time to find a job, I remember being uncertain about which population of people to work with.

I asked Spirit to place me where I was needed most. I was so obviously led to working in the field of trauma (with survivors of sexual, physical and emotional abuse at a clinic in downtown Brooklyn).

I’ve learned other skills since then which have added to my work (energy-healing, past-life regression therapy, meditation, etc) and it feels SO right to now be taking a deeper dive into trauma — for my own growth as a person, as a trauma transformation facilitator, and as a contributor to this planet.

We all need more healing right now — personally and collectively.

To learn more about my work with trauma: www.ConnectWithWhoYouTrulyAre.com

 — traveling to Sacramento, Calif.
